Food Safety Resources
and Training

Food safety is an important public health priority.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year, 1 in 6 Americans are sickened by foodborne illnesses. Environmental Health Services at RiverStone Health conducts inspections, provides compliance assistance and sponsors education activities aimed at reducing the risk factors that contribute to foodborne illness.
If you suspect that you have a foodborne illness, please contact RiverStone Health Environmental Health Services 24 hours a day, 7 day a week by calling 406.256.2770.

Boiling Point! is a quarterly email newsletter that delivers food safety tips and resources.

Certified Food Protection Manager Training

Certified Food Protection Managers (CFPM) are food service employees with management responsibility who have passed a test to show knowledge of food safety. Montana requires that most food service establishments have a least one employee that is a CFPM. Click on the links below to see a list of in-person classes and online training and testing options.

Food Handler Training introduces basic food safety principles and steps needed to protect the safety of food. The in-person class is for ANYONE who works with food including servers, cooks, bussers, runners, dishwashers, delivery staff and volunteers.

Food Safety Signs & Handouts

HACCP Resources

What is a HACCP Plan?

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plans are written operational plans for specific food processes that have elevated food safety risks. These plans outline the specific hazards related to a food process and how they will be monitored and controlled.

All HACCP plans must be submitted with the applicable HACCP Plan Review Application and associated fee of $150. If required, Variance requests have an additional fee of $125. 

Please allow at least 30 days for HACCP Plan and/or Variance request reviews.

For more information and guidelines on completing your HACCP plan, contact RiverStone Health Environmental Health Services at 406.256.2770 or

Yellowstone Food Safety Advisory Group (FSAG)

The mission of FSAG is to enhance the perception and effectiveness of food safety in Yellowstone County through industry and community education. Anyone with an interest in food safety may participate. For more information call RiverStone Health Environmental Health Services at 406.256.2770.

RiverStone Health

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