Celebrating disability visibility

July is disability pride month, an opportunity to celebrate pride, visibility and solidarity with our neighbors who experience disabilities. Melissa Henderson, Senior Director of Community Health and Safety for RiverStone Health Public Health services, shares the significance of disability pride and the improvements RiverStone Health has made in the past year to become more accessible.
What can parents do to keep teens safe from drug use?

Teens are developing their own personal identities and often push the limits of parental control. They are gaining independence and skill in navigating life challenges and choices, yet they still need their parents/guardians for safety and support. Brandi McFerran, LCSW, cares for pediatric at RiverStone Health clinics and offers tips for keeps your teens safe from drug use.
Tips on inspecting, choosing your child’s daycare

Choosing a daycare for your children is one of the most important decisions working parents make. Nikki Peterson, a registered sanitarian at RiverStone Health shares tips on choosing your child’s daycare.
Going outside? Prepare to prevent bug bites and stings

The vast majority of insect bites and stings are not dangerous. It’s important to know what reactions, symptoms of changes should be evaluated by a medical professional and which ones can be cared for at home. Dr. Eric Hjaltalin, a family physician at RiverStone Health Clinic shares the basics of preventing bug bites and stings.
Gardeners’ Market open 4-6 p.m. Thursdays in South Park

The Gardeners’ Market season is underway with fresh, affordable local produce for sale from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursdays in South Park. Local vendors also will be selling eggs, baked items, other foods and handicrafts. Jenna Solomon, the Healthy by Design Gardeners’ Market manager at RiverStone Health shares the perks of shopping at the market this summer and fall.
Simple summer snacks help keep kids healthy

Summer is here, and it’s time for parents to think about the summer menu. Callie Miller, a registered dietitian with RiverStone Health WIC, shares recipes for balanced summer snacks that include lots of fruit and veggies, which have natural hydration and vitamin C to protect against damage from sunburns.
Choosing the best sunscreen for your family

Your skin protects you. You should protect it. Sheri Pope, a prevention health specialist at RiverStone Health helps you find the sunscreen that fits your needs to keep your family safe while enjoying the benefits of the sun.
Help prevent suicides in Yellowstone County

Did you know one in four area residents has considered suicide? Sarah Music of RiverStone Health and the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Yellowstone Valley talks about community resources available to help prevent suicide.
What parents can learn from well child visits

Annual well child visits help ensure that your child can enjoy a happy, fun, healthy and productive year. Dr. William Hong, MD, a family physician at RiverStone Health Clinic, writes about the benefits for parents to consider when thinking about their children’s healthcare.
Yellowstone County’s surge in syphilis cases

As a state, Montana has the seventh highest rate of syphilis among women of childbearing age (15-44 years). Montana’s rate is nearly 30 times the national average, according to the CDC. Stacie Pannell, RN, RiverStone Health’s communicable disease manager, talks about prevention and treatment options for syphilis.