A Win- Win Situation

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Find out about the National Health Service Corps, which offers scholarships to students or loan repayment to primary care providers who agree to practice in areas where they are needed. The NHSC helps Community Health Centers, like RiverStone Health Clinic, to attract medical providers.

Following food trucks and food safety

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While food trucks are inspected like other restaurants, their tight space, limited staff and mobility pose some special challenges. Our director of Environmental Health Services offers some tips on doing your own food safety check.

Breastfeeding & Drugs

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Find out the latest advice from one of our Montana Family Medicine Residency physicians concerning marijuana and other substance abuse during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Getting children vaccinated

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Don’t let cost be a reason to delay getting vaccinations. The Vaccines for Children program provides vaccine to children ages 0-18 who are uninsured or under-insured. Get your back-to-school immunizations now to avoid the rush.

Neighborhood Placemaking

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Our Physical Activity and Nutrition Coordinator writes about ways neighbors can get together to foster a sense of place. She links the sense of connection and well-being to improved health. Safe, walkable streets and great parks go a long way toward encouraging a more active lifestyle.

Childhood Trauma Affects Your Health

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The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study suggests that the more trauma you face as a child, the more likely you are to engage in risky behaviors or have poor health as an adult. You can take a short quiz to find out your ACE score. Knowing your score, may help you understand your past and do something about your future.

Keeping Foods Safe in Summer

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Our Director of Environmental Health Services offers tips on keeping foods safe at outdoor picnics and barbecues.

Summer calls for keeping kids safe

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Between bug bites, sunburns and other preventable injuries and accidents, parents have lots to do to keep their children safe through the summer months. One of the doctors in the Montana Family Medicine Residency offers some tips.

Contracting Hantavirus Could be Fatal

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When Montanans clean out cabins, sheds, barns and other out-buildings where mice may be living, they need to follow safety guidelines to avoid the threat of hantavirus.

RiverStone Health

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