Due to severe weather, the main RiverStone Health Clinic will close at 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 17. The RiverStone Health Pharmacy will remain open until 5:30 p.m.
We will return to normal hours Tuesday, Feb. 18.

Our Successes

Incorporated in 2008, RiverStone Health Foundation is making an impact in the community.

RiverStone Health Foundation raises funds through annual and planned giving, capital and endowment campaigns, special events, grant awards, bequests and cause-related partnerships with community businesses.

Funds raised assist RiverStone Health in providing healthcare and enhancing services to benefit patients and their families; making capital improvements; purchasing needed supplies and equipment; and collaborating with federal, state and community partners to address health challenges.

Our successes include:

The Building a Healthy Community campaign raised $4.2 million toward the construction of the RiverStone Health Clinic in the Ballard Center in 2018. This state-of-the-art Teaching Health Center is increasing access to preventive and primary healthcare as well as improving and expanding medical education opportunities.

Harnessing the community’s generosity, in 2011 RiverStone Health Foundation led the effort to build the RiverStone Health inpatient hospice home on the Billings West End as an alternative to end-of-life hospital care.

The Foundation continues to support our community hospice service, Kid Connect services, school readiness programs and Healthcare for the Homeless through community giving.

RiverStone Health Foundation also awards mini grants for pilot projects which complement healthcare services and community collaborations. This internal granting opportunity transforms donor gifts into projects like at-home blood pressure cuffs for hypertensive patients and dental kits for students at one of our partner schools, Orchard Elementary.