Our Community Partners

Our residents learn from the experts located in a regional medical hub.

Inpatient service at Billings Clinic include an MFMR attending, a second-year resident and an intern. Montana Family Medicine Residents provide inpatient medical and pediatric care.

The inpatient service at Intermountain Health St. Vincent Hospital includes an MFMR attending, a third-year resident and an intern. Residents provide both inpatient and obstetric care. They also work in the Emergency Department, the ICU and Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and many other specialty groups.

Partnering with Billings Clinic and Intermountain Health St. Vincent Hospital, residents receive hands on experience at both Billings’ hospitals.

Training Opportunities

  • Opportunity to ride along with helicopter and fixed-wing medical air transport
  • Attend rural outreach clinics throughout the surrounding area with local specialists
  • On-Call facilities and amenities available at both Billings hospitals including sleeping rooms, shower facilities, secure lockers, cafeteria and vending food services
RiverStone Health

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