Ashley McClammy


Medical interests: I am dedicated to changing how healthcare is delivered by acknowledging individuals’ lived experiences and partnering with patients to empower them in their health journey. My healthcare philosophy is rooted in addressing healthcare for all and providing trauma-informed and weight-neutral healthcare. While I love all aspects of family practice, women’s health is a particular passion of mine.

Language: English

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Joined Staff: 2024


  • Master of Science in Nursing, Frontier Nursing University, Hyden, KY
  • BSN, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
  • BA, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Outside interests: I enjoy cooking, moving my body daily, investing in my mental health and getting to the mountains when possible. I am a member of the Billings Breastfeeding Coalition and love supporting and advocating for breastfeeding parents. I also love hanging out with my partner and two fantastic children.

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