REACH (Research and Explore Awesome Careers in Healthcare) is a hands-on healthcare career day for students in grades 9-12. Students hear from a variety of healthcare professionals about their careers and the education needed. Students participate in hands-on activities, such as learning how to give shots using oranges for practice and stitching up a chicken breast.
Eastern MT AHEC at RiverStone Health
Attn: REACH Camp
123 South 27th Street
Billings, MT 59101
Phone: 406.247.3297
Schedules are unique to each camp and feature professionals and career options at the host medical center.
Cost: Lunch is provided, and the entire day is FREE for all participants.
Homeschooled or GED students are eligible as well; however, students must be no older than 18. Students who are rural, low-income, first-generation college students, and/or underserved backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
MedStart provides students a chance to learn about college life, and realize it is possible to pursue higher education. Students may apply for a second year of camp.
HOW TO APPLY: Applications for 2025 MedStart are now open! Applications are due by March 21.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are available based on need and/or merit.
COST: $500/student. Tuition fees cover room & board, transportation to events, all included activities and student materials. MedStart is not offered for high school credit. Multiple scholarships are available; please see application for more information.
COLLEGE CREDIT: Students completing the MedStart Camp are eligible for one college credit through Montana Tech that is transferable to all schools in the Montana University System. More information will be available upon acceptance.
ACCEPTANCE & PAYMENT: Notification of camp acceptance will be announced in April 2025. After notification of acceptance, students will receive a packet to complete and submit with payment in full. The regional camp coordinator will send more information about this upon acceptance.
Heads Up Camp introduces Montana high school students to behavioral health professional pathways and helps them become champions for their community. Students take part in hands-on activities, simulation training and presentations by behavioral health professionals.
COST: Free.
Transportation stipends available upon request and eligibility.
WHO: Current freshmen, sophomores and juniors.
WHERE & WHEN: Montana State University Billings. August 3- 6, 2025. Students will stay overnight in MSUB dorms.
HOW TO APPLY: Applications for 2025 Heads Up are due May 16, 2025. Apply online here.
Montana offers many options to pursue a degree leading to a healthcare career. You can explore those possibilities through Montana institutions for higher education in our Pathways to Health Careers in Montana.