Protect your family from summertime ailments

Allergies, sunburn, bug bites and stings, oh my! Dr. Shae Saunders of RiverStone Health Clinic offers information on surviving summer maladies in this Billings Gazette article. When you need healthcare, call RiverStone Health Clinic at 406.247.3350.
Sun safety lowers Montanans’ skin cancer risk

Montana is the sixth worst state for melanoma – the most serious and often fatal type of skin cancer. Sheri Pope, RiverStone Health prevention specialist, provides tips for protecting your skin and preventing skin cancer, starting with limiting your exposure to the sun, using generous amounts of sunscreen and wearing a hat and shirt when outdoors.
Be ready to travel with family first-aid kit

Having a simple, effective first-aid kit in the car can make a difference when summer adventures turn into misadventures. Dr. Douglas Burns of RiverStone Health gives tips on what to include in your kit. To contact Dr. Burns or other RiverStone Health physicians, call 406-237-3350.
Syphilis resurges: Worst Montana outbreak in 74 years

An outbreak of syphilis in Montana is the worst in decades and Yellowstone County has more cases than any other county. Anyone who is sexually active is at risk for this serious illness. If you may be at risk, get tested and treated.
RiverStone Health Public Health is available Monday through Friday to answer questions about testing and treatment for syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections. Please contact us at 406.247.3396 or
Protect your health before you travel

RiverStone Health Immunization Clinic, 123 S. 27th St., offers travel consultations and vaccines for international travelers. As Melissa Snyder, RN, explains in this column, at the immunization consultation, a RiverStone Health nurse will talk with you about your itinerary and provide the recommended destination-specific vaccines. The nurse will provide printed information on malaria, travelers’ diarrhea and other travel health tips to take with you. Call 406.247.3382 to make an appointment at least 6 weeks before your planned departure because some traveler vaccines require two doses and a waiting period between doses.
Cooking for 1: Good for your health and budget

Learning how to cook is a key step toward eating healthier. People who cook at home instead of eating out, tend to have better diets and lower food expenses, says Emily Bruyere, RiverStone Health Live Well Center intern, in this Billings Gazette column. The Live Well Center’s nutrition and fitness services are available to RiverStone Health Clinic patients. To learn more, call the Clinic at 406.247.3350.
Let’s strengthen families to prevent child abuse

Children are best served when we can prevent neglect and abuse from ever starting. RiverStone Health offers services that empower parents to build stronger, safer families. Leandra Ritter’s Billings Gazette column explains how our nurses and other trained professionals visit young families in their homes through programs such as Nurse-Family Partnership, Parents as Teachers, and Maternal Child Health. For more information, please contact RiverStone Family Health Services at 406.247.3360.
Helping people with mental illness

People who have support from family and friends are more likely to get treatment for mental illness, according to Sandi Karr, RiverStone Health director of Behavioral Health services. Those who get treatment are more likely to recover their mental health. In this column, Sandi explains how to help someone with mental illness. RiverStone Health primary care patients have access to mental health care when needed. To make a primary care appointment, call our main clinic at 406.247.3350.
We need everyone to create healthy community

During Public Health Week, Melissa Henderson, RiverStone Health director of Health Promotion, writes to challenge everyone to make a habit of reaching out to support others in need and asking for help when you are in need. Melissa suggests many ways to create a culture of health and well-being where we live, work, play, pray and learn. She can be reached at 406.651.6569.
Regular primary care helps prevent diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic illness that requires frequent monitoring. Dr. Luke Leary of RiverStone Health Clinic explains why regular visits with your primary care provider are essential steps for managing or preventing diabetes. For an appointment with a primary care provider at RiverStone Health Clinic, call 406.247.3350.