Making Healthy Choices Easy Choices

Nearly half of Americans suffer from preventable chronic diseases. Public Health agencies are working toward creating healthier communities, which involves a combination of personal responsibility, government policies, and investments in community amenities and infrastructure that support wellness.
Public Awareness Improves Food Safety

Before going out to eat, you can check on our website to find out how local restaurants performed during health inspections. Click on the “inspections and permits” tab on our home page.
Health risks of e-cigarettes remain unknown

While the percentage of high school students using tobacco is at an all-time low, electronic cigarette use is skyrocketing. Our health prevention specialist advises parents to talk to their teens about nicotine addiction.
How primary care doctors can improve health

Research shows a correlation between having a primary care doctor and living a longer, better life. One of our family physicians at RiverStone Health Clinic explains a possible connection.
Avoid chronic stress problems by finding the right balance

Research shows mindful meditation can relieve stress. The acronym RAIN covers the basic principles, which are outlined in this Billings Gazette column. Regularly practicing mindfulness can improve health.
Take ‘division of responsibility’ approach to feeding toddler

Parents can avoid food battles by using a new approach to turning toddlers into healthy eaters. Our coordinator for WIC, the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, outlines a method that divides responsibility between the parents and toddlers.
Avoiding Heart Disease

The more women know about heart disease, the better chance they have of preventing it. One of our Montana Family Medicine Residency resident physicians offers tips on lifestyle changes.
HELP for Health Coverage

The Montana HELP Plan bridges the income gap for low-income people who cannot afford to buy insurance on the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Treating Seasonal Depression

One of our licensed clinical social workers points out symptoms and treatment options for Seasonal Affective Disorder, a depression that hits people in winter.
Defining Family Time

Carving out quality time brings families closer. Our manager of Family Health Services offers some tips.