Avoiding Recreational Water Illnesses

Diarrhea is the most common recreational water illness, and swallowing even a small amount of contaminated water can make you sick. Our Registered Sanitarian offers some tips on enjoying pools and swimming while avoiding illnesses.
Back to School Immunizations

If your child is entering kindergarten, put back-to school immunizations on your To-Do list. Kindergarteners typically are due for the final dose of several vaccines, sometimes in a series that began soon after their birth.
Dispose of Unused Medicines Safely

Amy Moser, our Pharmacy Manager, offers tips on disposing of unused medications without the risk of harming others or the environment.
Being Prepared Builds Community Resilience

Being prepared for an emergency or natural disaster might not seem like a patriotic act, but it can strengthen the fabric of your community.
What is a resident physician? An investment in a future doctor

Dr. Wade See, of the Montana Family Medicine Residency, explains what residency, one of the last steps in a doctor’s training, is about.
Teaching Kids to Stay Active

With so many health benefits in organized sports, this column points out ways that coaches, sports clubs and communities can find more equitable opportunities for young people to participate.
Tobacco Companies Target LGBTQ Community

In the early 1990s, Philip Morris tobacco company began marketing that targeted the LGBTQ community when the company pledged donations to AIDS research and programs. According to the Truth Initiative, a public health organization that advocates against tobacco use, tobacco companies began advertising in gay publications using taglines like “Take pride in your flavor.”
Gardeners’ Market Sells Local Produce

Starting June 13th, you can shop for fresh vegetables at the Healthy By Design Gardeners’ Market every Thursday, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in South Park. If you want to sell produce or other homemade goods at any of the markets, there’s no fee, but vendors must sign-up and go through a brief training.
Avoid Hepatitis Infections

Find out the ABCs of hepatitis from Kim Bailey, BSN, RN, the Communicable Disease Program Manager of Public Health Services at RiverStone Health.
Preventing Dog Bites

Most dog bites are preventable, if you understand the four main reasons that cause dogs to bite. Marilyn Tapia, our Director of Health Protection, points out ways to avoid getting bitten and some steps to take if you are bitten by a dog.