Build trust to prevent teen drug abuse

Dawn Leslie, RiverStone Health licensed addiction counselor, offers tips for parents concerned about preventing their kids from using addictive substances.
When is my student too sick to go to school?

RiverStone Health school nurse Karen Graf offers tips for parents deciding whether their sick child should stay home from school.
Do I really need a flu shot this fall?

Kelly Gardner, R.N., of RiverStone Health, answers your questions about the annual flu vaccine.
Take trails for better mind and body health

People of all ages enjoy walking and biking Billings trails. Trails also are great for enhancing fitness, says Ryan Braley of RiverStone Health.
How to get your kids to eat fruit and veggies

Yes, you can get your kids to eat fruit and veggies. Dietitian Kate Monger, of RiverStone Health WIC Services, offers tips for parents.
Lifesaving connections can stop suicide

Sarah Music, president of the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Yellowstone Valley, explains simple steps you can take to help save lives in our community.
Going from post-partum depression back to happy

“Having a baby is exciting, but also very stressful. It’s OK to feel a little down when you have a baby,” says Dr. Tom North of RiverStone Health Clinic. “Go ahead and give yourself some credit for doing such a great thing. Know that you’re not alone in feeling sad or depressed. Talking with your medical provider is the first step in getting back to happy.”
Reduce risk of gatherings during COVID-19 pandemic

Yellowstone County event organizers have asked RiverStone Health for recommendations to make their events less risky for spreading the virus. We adapted CDC guidance in the tips listed in this Billings Gazette article. These aren’t requirements, but rather recommendations based on the best available scientific research on the continuing pandemic.
Back to School vaccinations

As you prepare to head back to school, Dr. Annie Morrison of RiverStone Health strongly recommends that you talk to your teen’s doctor about COVID-19 vaccination. The vaccine can be given at the same time as your child’s annual sports physical and other back-to-school vaccinations.
Join us in celebrating National Community Health Center Week

RiverStone Health Clinics are a local Community Health Center that served 13,731 patients in Billings, Worden, Bridger and Joliet last year in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We still delivered high-quality care to babies, elders and every age in between with 57,485 patient visits in 2020. Join us in celebrating National Community Health Center Week, Aug. 8-14.