Give your kids best shots for staying healthy

Thanks to most parents immunizing early and on time, their children are able to build immunity before their exposure to life-threatening diseases. Brenda Koch, RiverStone Health program manager for vaccine services explains the safety and importance of keeping kids up to date on their vaccines. Call the RiverStone Health Immunization Clinic at 406-247-3382 for an appointment.
Home visits help young families stay healthy

When young parents are struggling to cope with the many demands of raising children, help is available at no charge from home visiting nurses and parent educators. Doug Andersen of RiverStone Health Family Health Services explains how these caring professionals bring parents the support they request for the specific challenges the parents identify.
Kids stay healthier with daily hour of exercise

Did you know getting one hour of physical activity daily in childhood reduces the risk of contracting chronic illnesses as an adult? James Miller, a physician assistant at RiverStone Health, talks about the importance of exercise for kids. You can reach James Miller at 406-247-3210.
Start your recovery from opioid addiction

The influx of illicit fentanyl is taking a toll in Yellowstone County. Dr. Sharon Mulvehill of RiverStone Health explains that help is accessible for people who want to stop using fentanyl and other opioids, such as morphine, heroin, OxyContin, and oxycodone. People who want to start their recovery may call RiverStone Health Clinic at 406-247-3350 and get an appointment.
Are you at risk for prediabetes or type 2 diabetes?

The healthy changes you make today can prevent diabetes from becoming part of your future. Lisa Linday, registered dietitian at RiverStone Health Live Well Center, offers tips on staying healthy.
When parents abuse drugs, kids need treatment, too

Addiction to alcohol, substances or impulse disorders, can also impact the lives and health of the children, other family members and friends of people struggling with substance use or impulse disorders. Karen Wilcox, a Licensed Professional Counselor at RiverStone Health, talks about the resources available for families.
Make sure outdoor meals are safe

Keep foodborne illnesses away from your picnics and barbecues with these food safety tips from Clark Snyder of RiverStone Health. Questions about food safety? Call Environmental Health Services at 406.256.2770.
Don’t let animal germs make you sick

Livestock and pets can carry diseases that make people sick. Kelly Gardner, Public Health nurse manager at RiverStone Health, writes about the risks and precautions you can take to avoid zoonotic diseases.
Gardeners’ Market returns to South Park

Gardeners’ Market opens 4-6 p.m. Thursday in South Park with fresh produce and other locally produced foods for sale.
The market will be open to everyone each Thursday through Oct. 6. If you would like to sell your farm or garden products at Gardeners’ Market, contact the market manager at 406.651.6444 or
Healthier mom, healthier baby

Plan for a healthier pregnancy with tips from Dr. Ruth Chadwick of RiverStone Health Clinic. We care for expectant moms, newborns and children of all ages.
Call 406.247.3350 for an appointment.