When are kids too sick to go to school?

Is my child too sick for school today? James Miller, PA-C, with RiverStone Health School-based Clinics at Orchard Elementary and Medicine Crow Middle School, offers guidance for parents to look at symptoms and decide whether a child should stay home. Our school-based clinics are open to serve all students and their families in Billings Public Schools. Call 406.247.3210.
Preconception counseling for healthier pregnancy

Scheduling preconception counseling with your healthcare provider can offer peace of mind when entering into one of the most exciting changes of one’s life. In the latest Health Matters column, Dr. Luke Leary of RiverStone Health Clinic explains the importance of establishing goals and planning for both pregnancy and life after pregnancy.
To make an appointment with Dr. Leary or any of RiverStone Health’s family physicians, call 406-247-3350.
Flu resurging, COVID-19 never left

Influenza is back in Montana. Yellowstone County had its first confirmed flu case of the season last week and Flathead County also has had flu. Now is the time to get your annual flu vaccine, says Kelly Gardner, RN, RiverStone Health communicable disease program manager. Flu shots are recommended for everyone age 6 months and older. To schedule your vaccine, call RiverStone Health Immunization Clinic at 406.247.3382. Flu shots also are available for RiverStone Health patients at our primary care clinics in Billings, Bridger, Joliet and Worden.
Montana students need facts on vaping

Why your newborn needs well child checkups

Dr. Marina Hansen of RiverStone Health Clinic explains why newborns benefit from well child checkups in this article published in the Sept. 19 Billings Gazette. To make appointments for you or your child, please call RiverStone Health Clinic at 406.247.3350.
Build compassionate community to prevent suicide

Protective factors in your community can help prevent suicides. Sarah Music, of RiverStone Health, chairs the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Yellowstone Valley, which will offer a free, virtual conference from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. on Sept. 23. To learn more or register, go to spcoalitionyv.org. Continuing education credits are available for nurses, teachers, LAC, LCPC and LCSW.
Supporting better mental health for kids

Consulting your child’s primary care provider is the first step in getting help for behavioral problems, says Dr. Megan Littlefield, pediatrician and chief medical officer for RiverStone Health. Your primary care provider can refer your child for needed counseling, mental health or developmental evaluations, occupational or speech therapy. For appointments with RiverStone Health Clinic, call 406.247.3350.
Breastfeeding provides food security for infants

Learn about the benefits of choosing to breastfeed your baby in this column from Shawna Coleman, breastfeeding program coordinator for RiverStone Health WIC, or call 406.247.3370.
Have questions about monkeypox?

Kelly Gardner, RN, communicable disease prevention manager at RiverStone Health, provides answers in this column. For more information, visit riverstonehealth.org/monkeypox or call RiverStone Public Health at 406.247.3396.
Calming first day of kindergarten fears

Starting kindergarten can be daunting for students and their parents. RiverStone Health pediatric counselor Krystal Kuka offers suggestions for making the first day of kindergarten more fun and less fearful. Krystal cares for children at RiverStone Health Clinics. Our clinics provide patients of all ages with excellent primary care and mental health care.